Chiton Anatomy Diagram

Chiton Anatomy Diagram diagram and chart - Human body anatomy diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Chiton Anatomy Diagram. Human anatomy diagrams show internal organs, cells, systems, conditions, symptoms and sickness information and/or tips for healthy living. This body anatomy diagram is great for learning about human health, is best for medical students, kids and general education.

Chiton Anatomy Diagram

Chiton Anatomy Diagram

In this article we will discuss about the structure of Chiton with the help of a diagram. 1. It is a marine animal of cosmopolitan distribution. 2. It is found attached to stones and rocks (coral reefs) between tide marks. 3. Body is elliptical and is convex on dorsal and flat on ventral surface.

The chiton shell plates have four distinct layers. The innermost layer that maintains contact with the mantle is called the ‘hypostracum’. Above this lies the ‘articulamentum’ which is composed of pure calcium carbonate in the form of aragonite. The separated shell plates of a Chiton.

Chiton. Because of this, the shell provides protection at the same time as permitting the chiton to flex upward when needed for locomotion over uneven surfaces, and even allows the animal to curl up into a ball when dislodged from rocks. The shell plates are encircled by a skirt known as a girdle .