Diagram Blank Muscle Anatomy

Muscle and anatomy are two words that are often heard when you are studying science. The human body consists of many muscles. If someone wants a healthy and good life, one must understand his body.
We’ve created muscle anatomy charts for every muscle containing region of the body: Each chart groups the muscles of that region into its component groups, making your revision a million times easier.
Validated and aligned with popular anatomy textbooks, these muscle cheat sheets are packed with high-quality illustrations. You’ll be able to clearly visualize muscle locations and understand how they relate to surrounding structures. We’ve created muscle anatomy charts for every muscle containing region of the body:

Diagram Blank Muscle Anatomy Diagram - Diagram Blank Muscle Anatomy Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Diagram Blank Muscle Anatomy with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

diagram blank muscle anatomy

Diagram Asthma Attack Anatomy

Asthma_0312 Slideshow During an asthma attack, muscles around the airways tighten, and the airway linings swell. Excess mucus secretion is produced in the airways that can block the air tubes and lungs. When air is trapped, breathing becomes difficult.
Excess mucus secretion is produced in the airways that can block the air tubes and lungs. When air is trapped, breathing becomes difficult. This anterior view of the respiratory system of an asthmatic patient shows a sectioned bronchiole. The airways are narrowed as a result of the inflammatory response cause wheezing.
Anyone caring for a child with asthma should be aware of the asthma action plan, including babysitters, daycare workers, school teachers and camp counselors. During an asthma attack, muscles around the airways tighten, and the airway linings swell. Excess mucus secretion is produced in the airways that can block the air tubes and lungs.

Diagram Asthma Attack Anatomy Diagram - Diagram Asthma Attack Anatomy Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Diagram Asthma Attack Anatomy with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

diagram asthma attack anatomy

Diagram Anatomy Of The Eye

The Anatomy of Human Eye The most complex sensory organs of the human body are the eyes. Every part of the human body is responsible for a specific action, from the muscles and tissues to the nerves and the blood vessels. The human eye consists of many muscles and tissues that join to form an approximately spherical structure.
The human eye diagram is a visual depiction of the human eye. The following aspects are essential when constructing a human eye diagram . The conjunctiva is a thin, translucent layer of tissue that protects the front of the eyes, including the sclera and the eyelids inner surface.
Eye Anatomy: Parts of the Eye Outside the Eyeball. The eye sits in a protective bony socket called the orbit. Six extraocular muscles in the orbit are attached to the eye. These muscles move the eye up and down, side to side, and rotate the eye. The extraocular muscles are attached to the white part of the eye called the sclera.

Diagram Anatomy Of The Eye Diagram - Diagram Anatomy Of The Eye Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Diagram Anatomy Of The Eye with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

diagram anatomy of the eye

Diagram Anatomy Of Ear

Diagram Anatomy Of Ear Diagram - Diagram Anatomy Of Ear Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Diagram Anatomy Of Ear with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

diagram anatomy of ear

Diagram Anatomy Ear 1024×834

A brief description of the human ear along with a well-labelled diagram is given below for reference. Pinna/auricle is the outermost section of the ear. The external auditory canal links the exterior ear to the inner or the middle ear.
The middle ear is a chamber located within the petrous portion of the temporal bone. Structures within the middle ear amplify sound waves and transmit them to an appropriate portion of the internal ear. The internal ear contains the sensory organs for equilibrium (balance) and hearing. Figure 1. Ear structure Figure 2. Ear anatomy
The Structure of Human Ear Helix: It is the prominent outer rim of the external ear. Antihelix: It is the cartilage curve that is situated parallel to the helix. Crus of the Helix: It is the landmark of the outer ear, situated right above the pointy protrusion known as the tragus.

Diagram Anatomy Ear 1024×834 Diagram - Diagram Anatomy Ear 1024×834 Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Diagram Anatomy Ear 1024×834 with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

diagram anatomy ear 1024x834

Diagram Anatomy Ear

A brief description of the human ear along with a well-labelled diagram is given below for reference. Pinna/auricle is the outermost section of the ear. The external auditory canal links the exterior ear to the inner or the middle ear.
The middle ear is a chamber located within the petrous portion of the temporal bone. Structures within the middle ear amplify sound waves and transmit them to an appropriate portion of the internal ear. The internal ear contains the sensory organs for equilibrium (balance) and hearing. Figure 1. Ear structure Figure 2. Ear anatomy
All three parts of the ear are important for detecting sound by working together to move sound from the outer part through the middle and into the inner part of the ear. Ears also help to maintain balance. The outer part of the ear collects sound. Sound travels through the auricle and the auditory canal, a short tube that ends at the eardrum.

Diagram Anatomy Ear Diagram - Diagram Anatomy Ear Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Diagram Anatomy Ear with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

diagram anatomy ear

Cranial Nerves Anatomy Brainstem Human Body En Medical

Cranial Nerves Anatomy Brainstem Human Body En Medical Diagram - Cranial Nerves Anatomy Brainstem Human Body En Medical Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Cranial Nerves Anatomy Brainstem Human Body En Medical with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

cranial nerves anatomy brainstem human body en medical

Cranial Nerves Anatomy Brainstem Human Body En Large Photo

Cranial Nerves Anatomy Brainstem Human Body En Large Photo Diagram - Cranial Nerves Anatomy Brainstem Human Body En Large Photo Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Cranial Nerves Anatomy Brainstem Human Body En Large Photo with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

cranial nerves anatomy brainstem human body en large photo

Costovertebral Joints Anatomy Diagram

Costovertebral joint consists of the head of the rib (the head of a typical rib has two facets – each facet with a separate synovial joint separated by a ridge. The head of each rib articulates with: The lower rib facet articulates with the upper costal facet of its own vertebra
Costotransverse joint, seen from above. [edit on Wikidata] The costovertebral joints are the joints that connect the ribs to the vertebral column. The articulation of the head of the rib connects the head of the rib to the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae.
The connection between the heads of the ribs with the sides of one, or two adjacent vertebral bodies are known as the costocorporeal joints/joints of head of ribs. The articulations of the necks and tubercles of the ribs with the transverse processes of their corresponding thoracic vertebra are the costotransverse joints.

Costovertebral Joints Anatomy Diagram Diagram - Costovertebral Joints Anatomy Diagram Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Costovertebral Joints Anatomy Diagram with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

costovertebral joints anatomy diagram

Arm Anatomy

The upper arm is located between the shoulder joint and elbow joint. It contains four muscles – three in the anterior compartment (biceps brachii, brachialis, coracobrachialis), and one in the posterior compartment (triceps brachii). In this article, we shall look at the anatomy of the muscles…

Key facts about the arm muscles Definition and function Group of muscles located around the hume … Muscles Biceps brachii, coracobrachialis, brachi … Innervation Flexors: musculocutaneous nerve, radial …

The arm consists of three bones that make up the upper arm and the lower arm. The upper arm is made up of the humerus, and the lower arm consists of the radius and the ulna. The upper arm bone that extends from the shoulder to the elbow is called the humerus.

Arm Anatomy Diagram - Arm Anatomy Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Arm Anatomy with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

arm anatomy

Eye Anatomy

Here are descriptions of some of the main parts of the eye: Cornea: The cornea is the clear outer part of the eye’s focusing system located at the front of the eye. Iris: The iris is the colored part of the eye that regulates the amount of light entering the eye. Lens:
The eye anatomy at the back comprises the following: vitreous humor, retina, choroid and optic nerve. The vitreous humor is the jelly-like substance that fills the vitreous cavity between the lens and the retina. It is transparent and thus allows light to be focused onto the retina.
Complete Physiology of Eye is described below in the given paragraph: The eye is rather like a living Camera. Each eye is a liquid-filled ball 2.5 cm in diameter. At the front of the eye is a clear, round window called the cornea. Behind the cornea is a �lens. A camera focuses by moving the lens nearer or further away from the object.

Eye Anatomy Diagram - Eye Anatomy Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Eye Anatomy with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

eye anatomy

Asthma Attack Anatomy

Asthma_0312 Slideshow During an asthma attack, muscles around the airways tighten, and the airway linings swell. Excess mucus secretion is produced in the airways that can block the air tubes and lungs. When air is trapped, breathing becomes difficult.

Asthma attacks are characterized by three distinct features: The tightening of muscles in the air passages, known as bronchoconstriction, by which less air is able to enter the lungs. The excessive production of mucus which clogs the air passages.

Most common factors are: Asthma attacks are when the airways immediately constrict due to ether the inflammatory or symptom triggers. Asthma attacks can happen to anyone at any point in their life. Typically, those who suffer from asthma are able to see symptoms in their childhood.

Asthma Attack Anatomy Diagram - Asthma Attack Anatomy Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Asthma Attack Anatomy with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

asthma attack anatomy

Ankle Anatomy

There are a variety of anatomical structures that make up the anatomy of the foot and ankle (Figure 1) including bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and nerves. These will be reviewed in the sections of this chapter.
The ankle joint is formed by the connection of three bones. The ankle bone is called the talus. The top of the talus fits inside a socket that is formed by the lower end of the tibia (shinbone) and the fibula (the small bone of the lower leg).
[edit on Wikidata] The ankle, or the talocrural region, is the region where the foot and the leg meet. The ankle includes three joints: the ankle joint proper or talocrural joint, the subtalar joint, and the inferior tibiofibular joint. The movements produced at this joint are dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the foot.

Ankle Anatomy Diagram - Ankle Anatomy Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Ankle Anatomy with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

ankle anatomy

Abdomen Anatomy

The abdomen is the part of the body that contains all of the structures between the thorax (chest) and the pelvis, and is separated from the thorax via the diaphragm. The region occupied by the abdomen is called the abdominal cavity, and is enclosed by the abdominal muscles at front and to the sides, and by part of the vertebral column at the back.

Abdomen, in human anatomy, the body cavity lying between the chest or thorax above and the pelvis below and from the spine in the back to the wall of abdominal muscles in the front. The diaphragm is its upper boundary. There is no wall or clear-cut boundary between it and the pelvis. It contains

The region occupied by the abdomen is called the abdominal cavity, and is enclosed by the abdominal muscles at front and to the sides, and by part of the vertebral column at the back. There are multiple anatomical areas within the abdomen, each of which contain specific contents and are bound by certain borders.

Abdomen Anatomy Diagram - Abdomen Anatomy Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Abdomen Anatomy with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

abdomen anatomy

Nervous System

The nervous system or the neural is a complex network of nerve cells or neurons specialized to carry messages. The complexity of the nervous system increases as we move towards higher animals. In simple organisms, especially in the invertebrates, neural system is just a network of neurons.

It is the body’s communication system that controls much of what your body does. It allows you to do things like walk, speak, swallow, breathe and learn, and controls how your body reacts in an emergency. Your nervous system is made up of: your peripheral nervous system, which consists of nerves that connect your CNS to the rest of your body

Thus, the nervous coordination involves the participation of the sense organs, nerves, spinal cord, and brain. One of the most complex organ system to ever evolve, the human nervous system consists of two parts, namely: Central Nervous System (CNS) is often called the central processing unit of the body.

Nervous System Diagram - Nervous System Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Nervous System with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

nervous system

Human Heart Right Ventricle

The right ventricle is one of the heart’s four chambers. It is located in the lower right portion of the heart below the right atrium and opposite the left ventricle.

The heart has two ventricles which are its lower two chambers. These ventricles pump blood from the heart to the body. The heart’s right ventricle receives blood from the corresponding right atrium and pumps that blood to the pulmonary artery.

The right ventricle of the heart receives blood that does not yet have oxygen, and from there it flows to the pulmonary valve and the lungs. In the lungs, it receives new oxygen. The left ventricle pumps blood to the aortic valve. From there, the blood flows to the rest of the body.

Human Heart Right Ventricle Diagram - Human Heart Right Ventricle Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Human Heart Right Ventricle with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

human heart right ventricle

Human Heart

A heart diagram labeled will provide plenty of information about the structure of your heart, including the wall of your heart. The wall of the heart has three different layers, such as the Myocardium, the Epicardium, and the Endocardium. Here’s more about these three layers. Epicardium

Exterior of the Human Heart A heart diagram labeled will provide plenty of information about the structure of your heart, including the wall of your heart. The wall of the heart has three different layers, such as the Myocardium, the Epicardium, and the Endocardium. Here’s more about these three layers.

Human Heart (Anatomy): Diagram, Function, Chambers, Location in Body WebMD’s Heart Anatomy Page provides a detailed image of the heart and provides information on heart conditions, tests, and treatments.

Human Heart Diagram - Human Heart Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Human Heart with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

human heart1

Human Eye Diagram

Let’s have a glance at the human eye – it’s structure and functions. A human eye is roughly 2.3 cm in diameter and is almost a spherical ball filled with some fluid. It consists of the following parts: Sclera: It is the outer covering, a protective tough white layer called the sclera (white part of the eye).
Human Eye Diagram: Contrary to popular belief, the eyes are not perfectly spherical; instead, it is made up of two separate segments fused together. Explore: Facts About The Eye To understand more in detail about our eye and how our eye functions, we need to look into the structure of the human eye.
It consists of the following parts: Sclera: It is the outer covering, a protective tough white layer called the sclera (white part of the eye). Cornea: The front transparent part of the sclera is called cornea. Light enters the eye through the cornea. Iris: A dark muscular tissue and ring-like structure behind the cornea is known as the iris.

Human Eye Diagram Diagram - Human Eye Diagram Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Human Eye Diagram with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

human eye diagram

Human Eye

Human eye, specialized sense organ in humans that is capable of receiving visual images, which are relayed to the brain. The anatomy of the eye includes auxiliary structures, such as the bony eye socket and extraocular muscles, as well as the structures of the eye itself, such as the lens and the retina.
Photons of light falling on the light-sensitive cells of the retina ( photoreceptor cones and rods) are converted into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain by the optic nerve and interpreted as sight and vision. The size of the eye differs among adults by only one or two millimetres.
The human eye operates as similar to a digital camera in several ways: Light focuses mainly on the cornea, which acts like a camera lens. The iris controls the light that reaches the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil, and thus it functions like the diaphragm of a camera. The lens of the eye is located behind the pupil, and it focuses light.

Human Eye Diagram - Human Eye Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Human Eye with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

human eye

Human Ear Diagram

A brief description of the human ear along with a well-labelled diagram is given below for reference. Pinna/auricle is the outermost section of the ear. The external auditory canal links the exterior ear to the inner or the middle ear. The tympanic membrane, also known as the eardrum, separates the outer ear from the inner ear.

Human ear is a sense organ responsible for hearing and body balance. The outer ear receives the sound waves and transmits them down the ear canal to the eardrum. This causes the eardrum to vibrate and sound is produced. The diagram of ear is important from Class 10 and 12 perspective and is usually asked in the examinations.

For more information on the human ear, the structure of ear class 9, human ear parts, the function of the ear, and other related topics keep visiting BYJU’S website or download BYJU’S app for further reference. Learn more in detail about human ear, the structure, functions and other related topics at BYJU’S Biology.

Human Ear Diagram Diagram - Human Ear Diagram Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Human Ear Diagram with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

human ear diagram