list of bones
list of bones

List of Bones

Ankle bones: calcaneus (heel bone) (2), talus (2), navicular (2), medial cuneiform (2), intermediate cuneiform (2), lateral cuneiform (2), cuboid (2), metatarsal bone (5 x 2) Toe bones: proximal phalanges (5 x 2), intermediate phalanges (4 x 2), distal phalanges (5 x 2) Science of bones for kids. More Biology Subjects.
In the skull (22): Cranial bones: frontal bones. Parietal bone (2) temporal bones (2) occipital bone Facial bones: mandible. maxilla (2) palatine bone (2) zygomatic bone (2) nasal bone (2) lacrimal bone (2) vomer bone
In the feet (52): 1 Ankle (tarsal) bones: calcaneus (heel bone) (2) talus (2) navicular bone (2) medial cuneiform bone (2) intermediate cuneiform bone (2) lateral cuneiform bone (2) cuboid bone (2) 2 Instep bones: metatarsal bone (5 × 2) 3 Toe bones: proximal phalanges (5 × 2) intermediate phalanges (4 × 2) distal phalanges (5 × 2)