Ligaments In The Hand Image
Ligaments In The Hand Image

Ligaments In The Hand Image

In purely anatomical terms, only those ligaments that connect the bones of the hand to each other are properly called hand ligaments. The ligaments of the fingers and those that connect the hand to the wrist and forearm are not considered hand ligaments. The hand ligaments connect the bones of the hand.
The hand and wrist have many small ligaments that hold the bones together. Dorsal ligaments are on the back of the hand and include the carpometacarpal ligaments, dorsal metacarpal ligaments, dorsal intercarpal ligaments, dorsal radiocarpal ligaments, ulnar collateral ligament and the radial collateral ligament.
The hand and wrist have many small ligaments that hold the bones together. Dorsal ligaments are on the back of the hand and include the carpometacarpal ligaments, dorsal metacarpal ligaments, dorsal intercarpal ligaments, dorsal radiocarpal ligaments, ulnar collateral ligament and the radial collateral ligament.