Female Groin Lymph Nodes Diagram Image

The nodes located between the trunk of the body and the inner section of the thighs are called groin lymph nodes or inguinal lymph nodes. Infections in the back may cause swelling in the lymph nodes of the groin.
To diagnose the cause of swollen lymph nodes in the groin, a doctor will begin with reviewing your medical history, including information about your sexual practices. They’ll want to know how long your lymph nodes have been swollen and any other symptoms you’re experiencing. The next step is a physical exam to check the nodes for:
To diagnose the cause of swollen lymph nodes in the groin, a doctor will begin with reviewing your medical history, including information about your sexual practices. They’ll want to know how long your lymph nodes have been swollen and any other symptoms you’re experiencing. The next step is a physical exam to check the nodes for: