Ultrasound Degrees Image
Well, if you feel left in the dark when it comes to ultrasound images…..let’s start back at the basics. Ultrasound is a non-invasive, immediate tool used to image tissue. It will not penetrate bone (like an X-Ray). So the first step to help you read the ultrasound image is to be familiar with the anatomy that you are imaging.
A knowledge of the production, propagation, and interaction of ultrasound waves is needed to understand the formation of ultrasound images. Using a pulse-echo approach, each ultrasound pulse is transmitted into the patient, undergoes partial reflections from tissue interfaces creating echoes, which then return to the transducer.
A knowledge of the production, propagation, and interaction of ultrasound waves is needed to understand the formation of ultrasound images. Using a pulse-echo approach, each ultrasound pulse is transmitted into the patient, undergoes partial reflections from tissue interfaces creating echoes, which then return to the transducer.