The pituitary gland is known as the master endocrine gland as it regulates and controls the activities of the other endocrine glands as well as many body processes. Alfred Pasieka/Science Photo Library/Getty Images. The pituitary gland is a small endocrine organ located in the middle of the base of the brain.
These systems help to maintain a constant internal environment in response to environmental changes. The major glands of the endocrine system are the pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid, and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pancreas, thymus, ovaries, and testes.
These systems help to maintain a constant internal environment in response to environmental changes. The major glands of the endocrine system are the pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid, and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pancreas, thymus, ovaries, and testes.

The Master Gland Of The Endocrine System Is The Image
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