Tendons Of Leg And Foot
Tendons Of Leg And Foot

Tendons Of Leg And Foot

Tendons are thick bands of tissue that connect muscles to bone. When a muscle contracts, the tendon pulls on the bone causing the joint to move. There are a number of tendons located in the foot and ankle all responsible for different ankle, foot and toe movements. Tendons also help to provide stability around the foot and ankle.

Let’s start by looking at the lateral ankle tendons found on the outer side of the ankle and foot, the peroneal tendons. There are two peroneal tendons, one from the peroneal longus muscle the other from peroneal brevis. The peroneal tendons run down together behind the outer side of the ankle and then split before attaching to different parts of the foot. The peroneal tendons and their respective muscles help to pull the foot down into plantarflexion and outwards into eversion. Functionally, they are very important for providing stability when running, particularly on uneven ground.

There are a number of foot and ankle tendons that pass around the inner side of the ankle producing various foot movements. The tibialis anterior muscle originates from the outer side of the tibia and passes down the front of the shin. The muscle turns into tendon about two thirds of the way down the shin and travels across the front of the ankle joint to the inner side of the foot underneath the medial foot arch. Tibialis anterior is a strong ankle tendon that pulls the foot up into dorsiflexion. Functionally, it is really important when walking as it lifts the foot up to prevent it catching on the ground as the leg swings forwards and controls foot placement once the heel strikes the ground. It also works with other medial ankle tendons to turn the foot inwards into inversion.

Tibialis posterior is the deepest muscle on the back of the leg. The tendon passes behind the inner ankle bone (medial malleolus) and underneath the foot attaching to the tarsal bones. The tibialis posterior tendon is the main invertor of the foot and also helps the calf muscles to plantarflex the foot. It plays an important role in supporting the medial arch and functionally controls the position of the foot during walking and running.

Foot tendonitis is inflammation or irritation of a tendon in your foot. Overuse usually causes foot tendonitis, but it can also be the result of an injury. Your feet contain many tendons. Tendonitis can affect any of them, but the most common include: Achilles tendonitis, Extensor tendonitis, Peroneal tendonitis, Posterior tibial tendonitis. Achilles tendonitis is the most common type of foot tendonitis. Studies suggest it affects anywhere from 1% to 9% of elite and recreational athletes..