Diabetes Glucose Testings

Diabetes Glucose Testings diagram and chart - Human body anatomy diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Diabetes Glucose Testings. Human anatomy diagrams show internal organs, cells, systems, conditions, symptoms and sickness information and/or tips for healthy living. This body anatomy diagram is great for learning about human health, is best for medical students, kids and general education.

Diabetes Glucose Testings

diabetes glucose testings

Blood Glucose Test. A blood glucose test is a blood test that screens for diabetes by measuring the level of glucose (sugar) in a person’s blood. An explanation of the test is included.
Tests for Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, and Prediabetes Your doctor will have you take one or more of the following blood tests to confirm the diagnosis: A1C Test The A1C test measures your average blood sugar level over the past 2 or 3 months.
According to the practice recommendations of the American Diabetes Association, the results of the blood test are interpreted as follows: If your blood glucose level is 70 to 99* mg/dL (3.9 to 5.5 mmol/L). . . If your blood glucose level is 100 to 125 mg/dL (5.6 to 6.9 mmol/L). . .

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