Colon Cancer Screening Types Diagram

Colon Cancer Screening Types Diagram diagram and chart - Human body anatomy diagrams and charts with labels. This diagram depicts Colon Cancer Screening Types Diagram. Human anatomy diagrams show internal organs, cells, systems, conditions, symptoms and sickness information and/or tips for healthy living. This body anatomy diagram is great for learning about human health, is best for medical students, kids and general education.

Colon Cancer Screening Types Diagram

colon cancer screening types diagram

You may hear about other colorectal cancer screening tests, but Ontario’s colorectal cancer screening program, ColonCancerCheck, does not recommend using them. There is not enough research showing that they are a good way to screen for colorectal cancer. These tests include: metabolomic (blood or urine) tests.
Colorectal cancer is cancer that occurs in the colon or rectum. Sometimes it is called colon cancer, for short. As the drawing shows, the colon is the large intestine or large bowel.
Colon cancer stages, stage 4 colon cancer, stage 3 colon cancer, stage 2 colon cancer & stage 1 colon cancer. This is the earliest stage of colorectal cancer, and it is also known as cancer in situ because it is limited to the site of the tumor with no spread to adjacent structures.
