Screening is the best way of finding colorectal cancer early. Most people ages 50 to 74 are at average risk of getting colorectal cancer, meaning they do not have a first-degree relative (parent, brother, sister or child) who has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer.
Screening for Colorectal Cancer. The fecal immunochemical test (FIT) is a screening test for people at average risk of getting colorectal cancer. FIT is now used instead of the guaiac fecal occult blood test (gFOBT), which used to be Ontario’s colorectal cancer screening test.
People ages 50 to 74 without a family history of colorectal cancer who choose to be screened with flexible sigmoidoscopy should be screened every 10 years. You may hear about other colorectal cancer screening tests, but Ontario’s colorectal cancer screening program, ColonCancerCheck, does not recommend using them.

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