What Is A Kinship Chart
What Is A Kinship Chart

What Is A Kinship Chart

Understanding Kinship

Kinship is a fundamental aspect of social organization that is based on real or putative family ties. It is a universal human phenomenon that takes highly variable cultural forms.

Origins of Kinship Studies

The modern study of kinship can be traced back to mid-19th-century interests in comparative legal institutions and philology. In the late 19th century, the cross-cultural comparison of kinship institutions became the particular province of anthropology.

Role of Kinship in Anthropology

Kinship was regarded as the core of British social anthropology until the last decades of the 20th century. No thorough ethnographic study could overlook the central importance of kinship in the functioning of so-called stateless, nonindustrial, or traditional societies.

Kinship in Biology

In biology, “kinship” typically refers to the degree of genetic relatedness or the coefficient of relationship between individual members of a species.

Kinship in Child Welfare

In child welfare, kinship refers to individuals who have a relationship with a child or youth and may include biologically related kin or individuals without a biological connection but with a significant social connection. Examples include a stepparent, godparent, friend, teacher, coach, and neighbor.

Kinship Service and Kinship Care

Kinship service occurs when a child or youth is placed in the home of an approved kin but the child does not have “in-care” status. A kinship service family is eligible for financial support from various Ontario government support programs.

A kinship care provider is a caregiver who, like a licensed foster caregiver, is required to attend a provincially mandated pre-service training program and participate in a home study.

Benefits of Kinship Service

Kinship service permits the child to remain connected with their family, extended family, heritage, culture, and traditions. This helps build a sense of belonging, safety, and security for children.


Kinship, whether defined by biology, sociology, or child welfare, plays a crucial role in shaping social relationships and providing a sense of belonging and security. It is a complex and multifaceted concept that varies across cultures and societies, reflecting the diversity of human social organization..