Integumentary System Skin Image

Integumentary System Skin Image

Integumentary system. The integumentary system is the body system which surrounds you, both literally and metaphorically speaking. If you look in the mirror you see it, if you look anywhere…
Function Of The Integumentary System Image

Function Of The Integumentary System Image

The primary function of the integumentary system is to protect the inside of the body from elements in the environment—like bacteria, pollution, and UV rays from the sun. The skin…
Integumentary Organ System Image

Integumentary Organ System Image

Other than the skin, the nails, hair, scales, and feathers which are extensions of the skin, are also sometimes studied as integumentary system organs. All these structures together provide protection…
The Skin Integumentary System Image

The Skin Integumentary System Image

Hair and Hair follicles The integumentary system is a system comprised of organs that are the outermost protective covering of the animal body, the skin, and its various derivatives. The…
Integumentary System Layers Image

Integumentary System Layers Image

The integumentary system consists of the largest organ of the body, the skin. Composed of three layers, the skin protects internal organs and tissues. The exocrine glands of the integumentary…
Human Integumentary System Image

Human Integumentary System Image

Integumentary system. The integumentary system is the body system which surrounds you, both literally and metaphorically speaking. If you look in the mirror you see it, if you look anywhere…
Integumentary System Major Organs Image

Integumentary System Major Organs Image

Last Updated: Jul 16, 2019. The integumentary system is an organ system consisting of the skin, hair, nails, and exocrine glands. The skin is only a few millimeters thick yet…
Function Of Integumentary System Image

Function Of Integumentary System Image

Overall, the integumentary system functions to guard the body, providing a barrier to infection and shielding the body against temperature changes and the adverse effects of potentially harmful substances (such…