Street Drug Names
Street Drug Names

Street Drug Names

Street drug names, also known as slang terms or code names, are used to refer to various drugs in an informal or unofficial capacity. These names are often used by individuals who use drugs to discuss substance use discreetly and avoid legal consequences. Here are some common street names for various types of drugs:

1. Marijuana: Known by a multitude of names, including “weed,” “pot,” “grass,” “ganja,” “Mary Jane,” and many others.

2. Cocaine: Referred to as “snow,” “flake,” “blow,” and “crack,” among other names.

3. Heroin: Often called “H,” “smack,” “junk,” “brown sugar,” “China White,” and “skag”.

4. Methamphetamine: Commonly known as “meth,” “crystal,” “crank,” and “ice.”

5. Ecstasy/MDMA: Referred to as “E,” “XTC,” “molly,” and “beans.”

6. LSD: Known as “acid,” “blotter,” and “dots.”

7. Prescription Opioids (like OxyContin, Vicodin): Referred to as “oxy,” “Vikes,” and “percs.”

8. Barbiturates: Street names include “barbs,” “phennies,” “reds,” “blues,” and “yellow jackets”.

9. Benzodiazepines (like Xanax, Valium): Known as “benzos,” “downers,” or specific names like “Xannies” or “V’s.”

10. Amphetamines (like Adderall): Often referred to as “uppers,” “bennies,” or “black beauties.”

The use of these street names allows individuals, including teens, to hide drug use from parents, teachers, and law enforcement officers. However, it’s important to note that the use of these code words can also delay treatment for substance abuse, as it can make it more difficult for loved ones to recognize and address the problem.

While this list covers many common street names for drugs, it’s not exhaustive. New slang terms for drugs emerge all the time, and some people even create their own code names. Therefore, staying informed about these terms is an ongoing process. It’s also crucial to remember that the best way to address substance abuse is through open communication, education, and professional help when necessary.