The thymus is a lymphoid gland comprised of two identically sized lobes, located behind the sternum (breastbone) but in front of the heart. It derives its name from a resemblance it bears to the bud of the thyme plant (thymus in Latin).
The dramatic rise in autoimmune disorders has increased scientists’ interest in the thymus. Even more intriguing is its role in the aging process. So it is very likely we’ll learn even more about the thymus gland’s functions and proper health in the future. What is the function of the thymus gland?
What is an Enlarged Thymus? The thymus gland normally grows until an individual reaches puberty. The thymus gland is situated just below the neck, behind the breastbone and in front of the heart. It is a flattish structure divided into two lobes, and it plays a part in the normal functioning of the immune system.

Location Of The Thymus Gland Image
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