Legs Bone Diagram

Leg Bones. The bones of the leg are the femur, tibia, fibula and patella. The foot bones shown in this diagram are the talus, navicular, cuneiform, cuboid, metatarsals and calcaneus. The knee joint is the largest joint in the body and is primarily a hinge joint, although some sliding and rotation occur.
The legs are the two lower limbs of the body. They provide support and a range of movements. Each leg contains five regions. They’re known as the: The upper leg is often called the thigh. It’s the area that runs from the hip to the knee in each leg. Femur. Also called the thigh bone, this is the longest bone in the body.
The legs are the two lower limbs of the body. They provide support and a range of movements. Each leg contains five regions. They’re known as the: The upper leg is often called the thigh. It’s the area that runs from the hip to the knee in each leg. Femur. Also called the thigh bone, this is the longest bone in the body.