The 2 common types of ankle strains are inversion and eversion ankle sprains. Inversion sprain: This is the most common out of the three and typically occurs due to the outward rolling of the ankle and the inward turning of the foot. As a result, the outer ligaments (lateral ligament) of the ankle are stretched and torn. Eversion sprain:…
How to Identify The Types of Ankle Sprains The 2 common types of ankle strains are inversion and eversion ankle sprains. Inversion sprain: This is the most common out of the two and typically occurs due to the outward rolling of the ankle and the inward turning of the foot.
A sprained ankle can occur quite easily. Just a quick sideways or twisting movement is all it takes to sprain an ankle. Athletes aren’t the only ones at risk. Everyday activities can lead to an ankle sprain. An uneven surface or clumsy step can lead to this most common ankle injury.