Extraordinary points are non-meridian points note contained within the 12 main meridians. This chart contains 64 extraordinary points with point location and indications for each point. 60 points mapped out on a full color hand, back and front. Extraordinary acupuncture point information for points not found within the main meridian system.
Chinese System of Auricular Ear Acupuncture Chart 8.5″ X 11″. The stimulation can also be done by manual pressure, referred to as auricular acupressure (ear reflexology). These points on the ear can also be stimulated with lasers, magnets, microcurrent, and ear pellets. This auricular acupuncture chart is a favorite among acupuncture students.
Chinese System of Auricular Ear Acupuncture Chart 8.5″ X 11″. The stimulation can also be done by manual pressure, referred to as auricular acupressure (ear reflexology). These points on the ear can also be stimulated with lasers, magnets, microcurrent, and ear pellets. This auricular acupuncture chart is a favorite among acupuncture students.

Acupuncture chart in chinese
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