Dental Crowns Scottsdale Scottsdale Family Dental

Dr. Christopher Yoon is a personable and highly-skilled family dentist at Scottsdale Family Dental in Scottsdale, Arizona. Some of the many services available for patients of all ages include crowns, veneers, dentures, dental implants, teeth whitening, as well as most other general and cosmetic dental services.
A crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” placed over a tooth. We specialize in perfecting smiles! The votes are in and the people have spoken, Scottsdale Family Dentistry & Orthodontics is, without a doubt, the preferred dental care provider here in the city of Scottsdale.
Also, it’s easy to schedule an appointment with Scottsdale Family Dentistry & Orthodontics. Just give us a call at (480) 474-4990.

Dental Crowns Scottsdale Scottsdale Family Dental Diagram - Dental Crowns Scottsdale Scottsdale Family Dental Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Dental Crowns Scottsdale Scottsdale Family Dental with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

dental crowns scottsdale scottsdale family dental

Crowns Bridges Crowns

They have two crowns – one on either end – and a bridge of replacement teeth that rest in the area of the gums where there is tooth loss. The crowns at the ends of a bridge can fuse to existing teeth (that need to be filed down by a dental professional to fit correctly), or your dental professional can attach them to dental implants.
A dental crown can cap an individual’s damaged or decaying tooth or be placed on top of a dental implant to replace a missing tooth. Dental implants are metal fixtures, surgically fastened to your jawbone below the gums.
Sometimes crowns and bridges can become loose or fall out from the damage caused by chewing hard foods, ice, or other hard objects. Dental disease that causes tooth or bone loss is another reason crowns or bridges may loosen over time. By practicing good oral hygiene, however, crowns and bridges can last a lifetime.

Crowns Bridges Crowns Diagram - Crowns Bridges Crowns Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Crowns Bridges Crowns with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.

Crowns Bridges Bridge

All abutment teeth (teeth supporting the bridge) are prepared like a dental crown. This means all of the enamel and any additional tooth structure is removed to create a clear path to the other tooth. After the teeth are shaped, impressions are made and sent to a dental laboratory. This is where your custom dental bridge is created.
A dental bridge is a fixed (permanent) restoration that replaces one or more missing teeth in your mouth. Dental bridges mimic the look, shape, and function of natural teeth. They are also custom-made for every patient.
These bridges have one fake tooth, also called a pontic, that a dental crown holds in place on each side. During a traditional dental bridge procedure, your dentist will shape and file the two teeth next to the fake tooth.

Crowns Bridges Bridge Diagram - Crowns Bridges Bridge Chart - Human anatomy diagrams and charts explained. This anatomy system diagram depicts Crowns Bridges Bridge with parts and labels. Best diagram to help learn about health, human body and medicine.